Get the clarity, confidence, and mental power you have been looking for all your life!

Luca Bosurgi - Life Coach

"Welcome! Let's work together to heal your mind, gain confidence and emotional independence, clear anxiety and stress, trauma and PTSD, addictions, sadness, and confusion, and learn how to manage your thoughts and emotions for a healthier, wealthier, more fulfilling, purposeful, and anxiety-free life.

With over 30 years of experience in Life Coaching, Mind Fitness, and CognitiveOS Hypnosis*, I have helped thousands of clients bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be, whether in business, relationships, or self-discovery. I look forward to meeting you for a free consultation in my Spring Hill-FL studio or via Zoom or FaceTime."

*Unlike traditional hypnosis, CognitiveOS Hypnosis allows clients to remain fully conscious and in control.



For more than 30 years, Luca Bosurgi DHyp, MBSCH has been assisting a wide range of people from various walks of life, such as notable artists, business leaders, top-level executives, athletes, entrepreneurs, and sales teams. As an accomplished writer and captivating speaker with a keen interest in the workings of the mind, Luca is the creator of Mind Fitness programs and CognitiveOS Hypnosis  - a unique approach to hypnosis that allows clients to remain fully conscious and in charge. Additionally, he has extensively researched and identified a condition known as Adult Emotional Dependency (AED). He has devoted his life to comprehending the intricacies of the mind, and with his compassion for suffering and recognition of life's value, he has developed fast-working solutions for mental healing and reset that work. Luca's practical spirituality and life coaching align with Christianity and major religions. Originally from Rome-Italy, Luca has presented lectures and worked in Madrid, London, New York, and Los Angeles before settling with his family and life coaching practice in Spring Hill - Florida.
Luca Bosurgi Life Coaching & CognitiveOS Hypnosis Spring Hill-FL
Luca Bosurgi Life Coaching & CognitiveOS Hypnosis Spring Hill-FL
Luca Bosurgi Life Coaching & CognitiveOS Hypnosis Spring Hill-FL
Luca Bosurgi Life Coaching & CognitiveOS Hypnosis Spring Hill-FL
Luca Bosurgi Life Coaching & CognitiveOS Hypnosis Spring Hill-FL

"An overloaded brain leads to poor performance, while a well-managed and clear brain leads to success and happiness. My program will guide you step-by-step through the basics of managing your mind and emotions, as well as building confidence and emotional independence. These are essential keys to clearing your brain from anxiety, stress, repeated thoughts, worries, mental blocks, and other unnecessary processes that hinder your progress and promote negative emotions such as confusion, procrastination, and depression.

By working with me, you can restore your natural leadership over your mind and learn how to fulfill its emotional needs. You will acquire the necessary tools to manage your life, overcoming anxiety, low self-esteem, addictions, and mental blocks. This will empower you to set and attain career goals, bolster motivation, gain clarity, energy, and joy in life, sharpen leadership skills, cultivate meaningful relationships, deepen parenthood, recognize ambition and purpose, raise productivity and effectiveness, fulfill financial objectives, and become the person you have always wanted to be."

Luca has been a massive influence in helping me take more control of my life

Carter Manley

“Luca has been a massive influence in helping me take more control of my life, be more successful, and be happier. Working with him to manage my mind and thoughts instead of being managed by them has been instrumental in my growth both professionally and personally. Learning about the different mind-frames we can operate in has also helped me reposition mind to perspective conducive to helping me achieve my full potential. Whether you’re looking to improve your relationship with your mind, other people, or the events that occur in your life I highly recommend Luca to help you through that process”
Carter Manley – Soccer Player

Adult Emotional Dependency (AED)

The main culprit of anxiety and mental challenges.
Symptoms associated with Adult Emotional Dependency (AED) are anxiety, stress, fear of judgment, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, unwarranted fears, addictions, feeling overwhelmed and tired, depression, poor performance, people ‘pleaser’, self-doubt, neediness, co-dependency, self-focus, narcissism, jealousy. inadequacy, social anxiety, poor confidence, lacking an identity, feeling like a fraud and a failure, being a child in a world of adults, dependency in relationships, loneliness and solitude, loss of spirit-mind connection, panic attacks, anger, an inferiority complex, antisocial tendencies, emotional and spiritual numbness and more. Since most of these symptoms are caused by Adult Emotional Dependency (AED), they will reduce and clear once emotional self-reliance is established and AED is eliminated. Read about AED here...

I would recommend Luca to anyone who is ready to find true inner peace and inner happines

I would recommend Luca to anyone who is ready to find true inner peace and inner happiness. In just 13 weeks he helped guide me to find clarity and the strength I needed to get the life I wanted for my self. I stopped drinking, sleep better, enjoy work more, see my life in a whole new light . I can’t tell you all the things I’ve tried in the past that didn’t work and how easy he made this for me. It was an absolute pleasure. A ton of bricks has been lifted off my back and all our sessions were done from the comfort of my own home thru FaceTime. Not only do I feel it but people around me really notice the change too. Meet with Luca , do the entire program. Commit to your self. You are worth it and won’t regret it. Bridget Teixeira – Hygienist

" In cases where your relationship with your partner is in trouble, I can help you restore and enhance love and attraction in a very short time while helping you to become emotionally independent, confident, and emotionally available."

Luca Bosurgi has singlehandedly transformed my life!

Luca Bosurgi has singlehandedly transformed my life. His intuitiveness is like no other and his level of skill at unblocking and removing old patterns, pain and fear has caused a 100% turnaround in my life. I cannot recommend a course of sessions with him enough. – Rayne Fitton – Photographer

"Substance abuse, whether through recreational drugs or alcohol, can hinder personal growth and contentment by impairing mental and physical functioning. Is anyone in your family facing this issue? I have assisted more than five hundred individuals in maintaining a sober lifestyle. Contrary to popular belief, addiction is often linked to underlying anxiety rather than being classified as a disease. By addressing the root cause of anxiety, the grip of alcoholism or drug dependency can be broken naturally."

describes his experience with Luca.

"If you are concerned about your teenage children's emotional well-being, they may be dealing with Adult Emotional Dependency (AED). This condition, which is still not widely recognized, can lead to emotions like anxiety, sadness, and depression in young individuals. These intense feelings may make them feel lost, scared, or overwhelmed. In response, they may turn to activities like excessive screen use, oversleeping, isolation, or substance abuse as coping mechanisms. Fortunately, I can assist your child in overcoming this issue in a matter of weeks. This will help them regain their sense of wellness, productivity, and happiness."

DocTock Podcast featuring Luca Bosurgi

In this episode, Luca explains Adult Emotional Dependency (AED), the hidden mental condition that has affected the majority of his clients.

"Do you know that Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is caused by Adult Emotional Dependency (AED) and can be completely resolved by learning emotional self-reliance and overcoming AED?"

Luca's books

Captain You -A course in Emotional Self-Reliance

Captain You -A course in Emotional Self-Reliance

Discover clarity, self-reliance, happiness, and peak performance through Luca's Mind Fitness™ method in Captain You – A Course to Emotional Self-Reliance. This unique method combines knowledge with engaging exercises and practical tips to help you optimize your mind. Clear emotional blockages and nurture self-leadership to refresh outdated patterns, overcome Adult Emotional Dependency (AED), and improve your emotional management. This journey alleviates struggles like anxiety, fear, low confidence, depression, and more. Ultimately, it empowers you to regain brainpower for greater confidence, high performance, and lasting happiness! Available on Amazon. (click here)

THE MIND SHAMAN - 2025 edition merges practical spirituality with essential life tools and insights, drawing upon 30 years of Luca Bosurgi’s experience as a life coach. It invites readers to follow Liam's inspiring journey as he discovers solutions to his emotional struggles using Luca’s healing strategy and ultimately joins his team of healers. Through Liam’s eyes, we explore Adult Emotional Dependency (AED) Syndrome—where unresolved childhood dependence extends into adulthood, resulting in anxiety and a reliance on others. Liam’s courageous pursuit of emotional independence not only enables him to conquer AED but also paves the way for a joyful, anxiety-free life.

This poignant novel effectively underscores the largely unrecognized impact of Adult Emotional Dependency (AED) on society and personal experiences. The Mind Shaman successfully sheds light on these crucial matters, offering resources for attaining emotional independence. It addresses fears, anxiety, stress, low self-esteem, depression, emotional dependence, confusion, and many other common issues in today’s world. This powerful theory has the potential to transform our understanding of anxiety and emotional dependency in modern psychology. Available on Amazon (Click here!)

Luca Bosurgi Shares Insights on Healing Emotional Wounds in His Book The Mind Shaman
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Luca Bosurgi Shares Insights on Healing Emotional Wounds in His Book The Mind Shaman

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How emotional self reliance ends Adult Emotional Dependency (AED) ceasing anxiety, depression and addictions




Captain You – A Course in Emotional Self-Reliance. -Luca Bosurgi
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Captain You – A Course in Emotional Self-Reliance. -Luca Bosurgi

Adult Emotional Dependency (AED) explained on the DocTok podcast.
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Adult Emotional Dependency (AED) explained on the DocTok podcast.

Life Coaching


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