Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Mind Fitness Academy - The Online School of the Mind

Welcome to the Mind Fitness Academy program! This course will teach you emotional independence, will set you free from the condition Adult Emotional Dependency (AED); which is the main root-cause of anxiety and fear, and will provide you with the needed tools to effectively manage your mind.

To read more about Mind Fitness Academy please see the Academy page

How much does the school cost?

All courses and classes are included in the $89 monthly membership

Do you offer a free trial?

3 days free trial and then $89/month - you can cancel the membership anytime.

What is the maximum number of times a student can repeat a class?

The student can attend as many classes as they wish as long as the monthly membership is paid

Who is teaching the classes?

The video lessons are recorded with April Johnson voice and are captioned to help you grasp the knowledge. The Cognitive Guided Meditation are recorded with Luca’s voice, these meditations operate at the subconscious level of your mind, do not require your conscious comprehension, if you miss some of the words, due by Luca’s Italian accent, this will not affect the results of the meditation. Just relax and enjoy, and let the meditations interact directly with your subconscious mind.

What are the contents of each class?

Each class includes a video lesson, a Cognitive Guided Meditation (CGM), tips and takeaways, a homework exercise, and a final quiz to progress to the next class. 

The information presented in this course will have a profound impact on your life. Each class lays the foundation for the next, so make sure to study the material carefully and make it a part of your daily routine.

  • Video lesson.
    • Watch the video several times until the knowledge is absorbed, each lesson is critical to the course's success. Once you have viewed the video, you will be able to move on to the next class.
  • Cognitive Guided Meditation
    • You can experience the guided meditations in a quiet environment, on a recliner or in your bed with headphones and closed eyes. Take advantage of the Cognitive Guided Meditation as many times as you like. Each time will deepen your understanding of the concepts. The class meditations are also crucial to the course's success.
  • Class worksheet
    • Print a copy of the PDF file for each day you will remain in the current class and complete the self-assessment every evening before bedtime.
    • Take the time to review the tips and takeaways during your day. This will help you retain the information from the class.

TIP: Absorb the knowledge offered by the video until it makes full sense to you, watch it more than one time, if needed. After the video lesson, enjoy the meditation, this will help your mind to absorb more efficiently the teaching. This is a method used for centuries by Tibetan monks, which combines spoken lessons with subconscious teaching.

What are the Cognitive Guided Meditations™ (CGM)?

Bosurgi Mind Fitness proprietary subliminal mind training, detoxing and enhancement delivered in a deep meditational state. Please see the Cognitive Guided Mediation Page.

What is the best way to ask a personal question?

The first three Mind Fitness courses will clear most of your mind's issues. Luca will address any residual issues and answer all your questions during the Master course.

How does the Mind Fitness Academy curriculum work?

The Beginner I 5-class course focuses on your relationship with your mind. It will help you to discover emotional independence and will gives you some basics about mind management.

The Beginner II 7-class course focuses on your relationship with will ‘others’. It will help you to clear the nasty syndrome Adult Emotional Dependency (AED) and provides you with more mind management tools.

The Expert 13-class course reinforces the new behaviors of independence giving you more precious tools of mind management.

The Master course is interactive live on Zoom with Luca Bosurgi

At the end of each course, you will receive a completion certificate.

What is the Master's course like?

After successful completion of the Expert course, you will be able to attend the Master course. This is hosted live on Zoom or in person, by Luca Bosurgi or by a certified Mind Fitness Coach. The classes are interactive and focused on your personal issues, traumas, and goals. Much of your actual mind’s struggles will be already cleared at that stage, however Luca will help you to clear the residual traumas and PTSD if needed, clarify your questions and doubts, and help you to furthermore improve your mind management, and skills to gain an efficient, happy, and successful life!

The curriculum was created by Luca Bosurgi, right?

Yes! Luca Bosurgi, the creator of this method, tested and refined this program in the last 30 years and with over 5,000 clients

TIP: It’s a step-by-step process that needs to be done consistently to grant extraordinary results. Each step is essential and prepares the next.  Absorb the knowledge of each class and make it become yours, before progressing to the next; do the meditation always after the video and repeat each step several times if needed.  

When I complete a course, do I receive a certificate of attendance?

In addition to receiving certificates of attendance for each course, you will be able to use the distinguished title and seal of Mind Fitness Expert after completing the Expert course. After completing the Master course, you will be able to use the distinguished title and seal of Mind Fitness Master. Students who have achieved the status of Mind Fitness Coach are entitled to the title Mind Fitness Coach.

To graduate from the Master's program, how many classes will I need to take?

At the discretion of the Mind Fitness Director, the Master graduation is granted to students who master their minds. At least 30 classes are required.


What is the Bosurgi Mind Fitness program?

What are the Cognitive Guided Meditations™ (CGM)?

Bosurgi Mind Fitness proprietary subliminal mind training, detoxing and enhancement delivered in a deep meditational state. Please see the Cognitive Guided Mediation Page.

What are the typical results of this program?

By guiding my clients to improve their spiritual alignment and life’s decisions, detox their minds, balance their instincts and terminate Adult Emotional Dependency, I help them to free a large amount of misused brainpower. This is then automatically re-assigned to enhance constructive priorities, including:

• Becoming emotionally self-sufficient and independent.
• Managing successful thoughts, feelings and emotions.
• Enhancing strength and confidence – establishing leadership in both professional and personal life.
• Establishing an efficient spirit-mind alignment – accessing unconditional happiness.
• Clearing the real cause of addictions – taking control of life’s events.
• Excelling creative, academic, artistic and athletic performance.
• Sparking attraction – experiencing fulfilling, happy and balanced relationships.
• Clearing procrastination, getting things done – achieving life-long goals.
• Freeing the natural powers – gaining efficiency and success in every aspects of life.

Who am I?

You are NOT your mind or your body. You are the owner of your life equipment. If you lead and fulfill your mind needs of love, protection, validation and guidance, as well as your body needs of healthy food end exercise, your life will be balanced, successful and happy.

What is the mind?

The mind is the ‘software’ that promotes and regulates each function and action of our body – from the reproduction and reconstruction of our cells, to digestion and distribution of nourishment, to our voluntary and involuntary movements, to all our behaviors, etc. The mind’s requests are then processed and implemented by the brain in the appropriate areas of the body. This extraordinarily sophisticated operation is occurring 24/7, from the day of our birth to the day of our death, and most of us will never know much about it.

Your mind is perfect, naturally healthy and constantly tries to give you the best possible service. Everything that your mind does, including anxiety, drinking or depression, are the best options that your mind identifies to protect you, or to keep you going. In fact, I don’t believe a broken or a wicked mind exists; a confused mind might make wrong choices, but always with good intention, thinking that it’s acting in your best interest. As soon your mind discovers and embraces better options, it will substitute the old inefficient choices with healthier and more efficient solutions.

You can see the Bosurgi Mind Fitness Method®  Map of the Mind here

What is the difference between the mind and the brain?

As stated, the mind is the software responsible for every aspect of our physical, emotional and psychological life. The brain is the hardware – the essential tool to process and execute the mind’s requests. To take your computer as an example, the box with the processor, motherboard, drives and interfaces are your brain; the operating system and all the applications that are installed in it are your mind. If the brain is altered or damaged, the mind’s processes are limited or impeded. This is why we need to protect our brain at all costs, avoiding physical shocks, drugs, alcohol and all sorts of intoxicants that can slow down, confuse or damage our central computer.


How many clients have experienced the method?

Over 5,000 in the last 30 years.

How many of them gained the expected results?

My success rate has improved from 40-60% in 2006 to over 95% in the last 4 years.

With how many sessions?

These are statistics based on clients that have completed at least 13 sessions.

How is it possible to obtain long lasting results with just 13 Bosurgi Mind Fitness Method's sessions?

The method obtains these results in such a short time because it uses a proprietary language delivered to the mind in an environment of deep relaxation - Cognitive Guided Meditations™ (CMG). This provides the mind the clarity required to embrace self-reliance at the perceptional level. As soon as self-reliance is established, the mind removes unwanted emotional restrains and consequently operates new behavioral choices – archiving obsolete ‘dependent’ behaviors and learning positive emotionally independent responses. Working at the level of perception is much faster then to try modifying behaviors, which is the focus of most therapies.

What do you consider to be a success?

When my clients embrace self-reliance, interrupt AED, boost positive behavioral choices, implement mind management and report results that exceed their expectations.

Why weren’t you able to help all of your clients?

The Bosurgi Mind Fitness Method® always provides some level of benefit. However, people who are in poor physical shape, who lack personal motivation, or who have suffered from some form of brain impairment typically achieve less dramatic results. In the last few years, I’ve refined the method further and have also become stricter in the initial screening process. This allows me to serve those who will gain the most value from this process.

I’m a special case, would you be able to help me?

Most of my clients consider themselves special cases. We can determine the suitability of the method for your requirements when we meet in person or via phone.

After how many sessions should I expect to see results?

Usually after the 4th session.

How many sessions do you recommend?

The first 13 sessions are essential for normalizing the instinctual side of the mind. When this is successfully completed, we can capitalize on your new perception of life, to enhance the results obtained and optimize areas of your behavioral system. The number of sessions required for the further programs depends on your age, program selected and specific requirements.

How do the first 13 sessions differ?

Each session of the Bosurgi Mind Fitness Method®  basic program has a specific purpose and each prepares the ground for the next:

Sessions 1: Anamnesis and 1st session

  • After an initial conversation about your symptoms and important life events, the 1st session will ease your mind into the program introducing you to your unconscious mind and to the first Cognitive Guided Meditation™ (CGM)  technique used to release reactive anxiety and fear.

Sessions 2-3: Release of Anxiety and Fear

  • These 2 sessions help your mind release unwanted anxiety and fear. This vital initial step aims to reduce the inefficient activity of your brain, freeing brainpower required to progress with the therapy.

Sessions 4-7: Releasing Dependency Behaviors

  • Sessions 4 to 7 help your mind accept and embrace what is natural and long past due emotional self-reliance. The release of Adult Emotional Dependency is the primary aim of the therapy. I notice substantial changes in most clients during or immediately after this group of sessions.

Sessions 8-10: Building a Framework for Self-Reliance

  • These sessions capitalize on the work done, the mind’s new-found willingness to establish and enhance emotional independence. These sessions are crucial to create the framework for all your new self-reliant behaviors – these are then developed and refined in the next months and years through your daily experiences.

Sessions 11-12: Journeys of Forgiveness – Release Self-judgment, Shame, Guilt & Regret – Self-forgiveness and Release Judgment, Blame, Resentment, Anger & Pain and Forgive others.

  • The sessions 11-12 focus on the successful processing of your past experiences, associated with yourself and to others. The aim is to remove negative emotional attachments with the past. This process frees furthermore misused brainpower and enhances your relationship with yourself and with the relevant people of your past.

Sessions 13: Release anxiety and fears

  • The last session completes the therapy where it started: with the release of lingering unwanted anxiety and fear – finalizing the basic course.

We all have different personalities and issues. So, how can standardized journeys fit all of your clients?

The structural and instinctual side of the mind operates in a very similar way in most people. Therefore, I am able to apply the same basic methodology for all of my clients. During the second part of the process, however, I enhance the focus on the specific behavioral modifications required by each client. The standardization of the Bosurgi Mind Fitness Method program has been fundamental to its development and refinement, and has enabled me to provide the high level of success my clients’ experience.

Do you work with clients addicted to alcohol or drugs?

The Bosurgi Mind Fitness Method program helps clients to heal the causes of their addictions – not the physical and psychological dependency. Therefore, I only accept clients after they have completed rehab, and/or are able to deal with the compulsive side of their addictions.

Which method of payment do you accept?

Zelle, Venmo, PayPal, Check or Cash

Do you take insurances?

I don’t take insurance. However, some of my clients have been able to obtain health insurance reimbursement for my services.

Will I remember the meditation?

Yes, you will.

What are the possible dangers or side effects?

You may feel a bit tired after the first couple of meditations; this is due to the reprogramming work being performed by your mind. However, there have been no reported adverse side effects to the Bosurgi Mind Fitness Method® programs.

Are the sessions confidential?

Yes, my clients’ records are kept in strictly confidentiality.

How long have you been practicing?

Over 30 years

Are you from Italy?


What is the meaning of DHyp, MBSCH?

DHyp: Diploma in Hypnotherapy

MBSCH: member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Do you practice Clinical Hypnosis?

As part of my programs, I use Cognitive Guided Meditations (CGM a method which stems from Clinical Hypnosis, however I do not use the level of trance required by hypnotherapy, which I do not believe is necessary.

After achieving success as an investment banker, why did you decide to become a therapist?

For two decades, I divided my life between my healing mission and the world of banking. I then sold my business (in 2006) and moved to Los Angeles to establish the Mind Fitness™ school and my private practice.

During the last 20 years, I have greatly refined my understanding of the mind and adjusted my method accordingly. It is this that has allowed me to achieve a 95% success rate in the last four years. I’m now ready to offer this new form of therapy to a much wider audience.

My overall goal is to help create an interdependent society of people who are centered in being – rather than in trying to be; on choosing – rather than being chosen; and on our authentic identities instead of the false ones we cultivate to mirror external expectations in hopes of winning the approval of others.

I’d like to progress, what should I do next ?

You are welcome to book a one-on-one introduction/assesment with me by phone/FaceTime. I’m looking forward meeting you!

You can book your free consultation with Luca here or calling +1 (352) 556-4072

Luca is unbelievably gifted!

Leo Foti
Luca is unbelievably gifted! Meeting him and working with him has bettered the quality of my life immensely! With his knowledge love and intuition he developed a technique that works and works fast and works for real! I’ve been around and worked with different therapist and many kinds of practitioners nothing worked as effectively as my work with Luca! I couldn’t recommend him more!” Leo Foti – Director