How to serve humanity through love as a healer.

Healer at service

The answer to your question about being in God’s service as a healer is very straightforward. Don’t try to be holy and a perfect follower of the ‘good’ rules—that’s not what this is about.. Being in service of the Higher Forces is a choice. It’s the act of joining a team of people operating to bring forward the Divine Plan … Read More

The Brain Damage Produced by Alchool

Alchool damage

“As our brains act as our board computers, they control and manage both our bodies and minds. It performs billions of operations every minute, including digestion, skin reproduction, immune system, as well as all our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, as well as programming our behavioral systems and indexing our memories. In addition to altering all brain functions, alcohol and drugs … Read More

The Brain Damage Produced by Marijuana

Marijuana effect on the brain

“Our brain works as our board computer, managing and controlling our body and mind. Every minute, it performs billions of operations, including digestion, skin reproduction, immune system, as well as all our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, the programming of our behavioral system, indexing our memory bank, etc. Alcohol and drugs alter all of the brain’s functions, resulting in dramatic negative … Read More

Sound Baths and Chakra Alignment: A Pathway to Spiritual Healing

Angelica Cooper, SoundBath

Are you seeking a pathway to spiritual healing and alignment? Look no further than the enchanting practice of sound baths and chakra alignment. In this blog post, we will dive into the world of sound healing, exploring its origins, benefits, and how it works for spiritual rejuvenation. Soothing sounds and vibrational frequencies have been used for centuries to harmonize our … Read More

Captain You – A Course in Emotional Self-Reliance. -Luca Bosurgi

Captain You -A course in Emotional Self-Reliance

In this book, Captain You – A Course to Emotional Self-Reliance, Luca Bosurgi introduces his unique method of Mind Fitness. Using exclusive knowledge, exercises, and tips he helps readers train their minds to become more clear and optimized. The goal is to gain self-leadership and reliance by resetting obsolete emotional programming and imbalances, learning mind management, thus eliminating Adult Emotional … Read More


Mind Fitness

I’ve been hoping for many years that education would become more actual and easily accessible. I proposed this concept in a business plan two decades ago, but the resources available then were much fewer than those we now have. A government-funded digital platform created collaboratively by technology giants such as Google, Adobe, and Sony Gaming could educate students from day … Read More