Mind Fitness begins with emotional independence

Mind Fitness begins with emotional independence

Picture a world where you can freely embrace all those around you, as they are all there by choice rather than necessity. Envision utilizing your total mental capacity to create, conquer, excel, and love without seeking approval and affection from others. Consider the liberation of feeling equal to everyone, selecting rather than being chosen, and unconditionally loving instead of constantly … Read More

The ultimate purpose of human existence on Earth

Angels training

Let’s explore the purpose of human existence on Earth. It all began when God decided to transform a dark and savage kingdom, filled with primitive and ignorant spirits, into a divine realm of Angels. This heavenly kingdom is illuminated by the purest form of love and inhabited by enlightened Angelic beings who possess universal knowledge and wisdom – truly reflecting … Read More

How to serve humanity through love as a healer.

Healer at service

The answer to your question about being in God’s service as a healer is very straightforward. Don’t try to be holy and a perfect follower of the ‘good’ rules—that’s not what this is about.. Being in service of the Higher Forces is a choice. It’s the act of joining a team of people operating to bring forward the Divine Plan … Read More

Mental Health in Spring Hill, Hernando, Florida

mental health spring hill hernando

Introduction to Spring Hill and Hernando, Florida Welcome to the sunny and vibrant communities of Spring Hill and Hernando, Florida! Nestled in the heart of the Sunshine State, these areas offer more than just beautiful beaches and warm weather. Today, we’re diving into a topic that impacts us all – mental health. Let’s explore how Spring Hill and Hernando are … Read More

How Kids Education Shapes the Values and Beliefs of Our Future Society

the value of kids education

As parents and educators, we often focus on teaching kids the basics – reading, writing, and arithmetic. But what about the values and beliefs that will shape their future? In this blog post, we explore how kids education plays a crucial role in shaping the values and beliefs of our future society. Join us as we delve into the impact … Read More

Love, Protection, and Leadership the Essential Keys to Successful Parenting

how to be great parents -Luca Bosurgi life coach

As parents, we often find ourselves juggling a myriad of responsibilities and tasks in order to raise happy, healthy children. But amidst the chaos of daily life, it’s easy to lose sight of the fundamental pillars that truly make a difference in our children’s lives: love, protection, and leadership. In this blog post, we’ll explore why these three elements are … Read More

When parents yell at their children, it can leave lasting emotional scars.

Parents that yell at their kids

Are you a parent who sometimes finds themselves raising their voice in frustration with their children? You’re not alone. Yelling at kids is a common challenge many parents face, but the impact it has on our little ones can be significant. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the reasons behind parental yelling, its effects on children, and most importantly, … Read More

The Brain Damage Produced by Alchool

Alchool damage

“As our brains act as our board computers, they control and manage both our bodies and minds. It performs billions of operations every minute, including digestion, skin reproduction, immune system, as well as all our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, as well as programming our behavioral systems and indexing our memories. In addition to altering all brain functions, alcohol and drugs … Read More

The Brain Damage Produced by Marijuana

Marijuana effect on the brain

“Our brain works as our board computer, managing and controlling our body and mind. Every minute, it performs billions of operations, including digestion, skin reproduction, immune system, as well as all our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, the programming of our behavioral system, indexing our memory bank, etc. Alcohol and drugs alter all of the brain’s functions, resulting in dramatic negative … Read More

Sound Baths and Chakra Alignment: A Pathway to Spiritual Healing

Angelica Cooper, SoundBath

Are you seeking a pathway to spiritual healing and alignment? Look no further than the enchanting practice of sound baths and chakra alignment. In this blog post, we will dive into the world of sound healing, exploring its origins, benefits, and how it works for spiritual rejuvenation. Soothing sounds and vibrational frequencies have been used for centuries to harmonize our … Read More