Mind Fitness Inc.
About Mind Fitness Inc.
"Mind Fitness Inc. is my practice and school, offering services to help you take control of your life. These include Life Coaching, CognitiveOS Hypnosis, Mind Fitness Training, and Cognitive Guided Meditations (CGM). They are designed to help you overcome difficulties such as anxiety, stress, PTSD, Adult Emotional Dependency (AED), depression, confusion, and addiction. With my expert guidance, I can provide clarity and emotional wealth, helping you to unlock your true self. Book a free consultation with me in-studio at Spring Hill - FL or via Zoom/FaceTime to begin your journey! " Luca Bosurgi

Who are Mind Fitness clients and students?
How does the Mind Fitness therapeutic approach work?
An entire re-evaluation of mind functions and purposes is the basis for Bosurgi Mind Fitness programs. According to Luca’s school of thought, there is no such thing as a broken mind, that nature created an efficient mind that strives for efficiency. However, if its essential needs are not met, it will be inefficient and suffer with anxiety and depression. By breaking free of traditional psychological theories, this approach establishes new, fresh, and highly successful tools and solutions based on a respect for nature and the achievement of life's true purpose.
I’ve never met anyone who can so effectively give someone the tools to live their life with confidence quite like Luca!
“I’ve never met anyone who can so effectively give someone the tools to live their life with confidence quite like Luca.Without his help I would not have the success I have today, which stems solely from an ability to love myself and be confident in all aspects of my life – things that Luca enabled me to do.” John Begakis – Attorney. Yelp.com