The nature and the real root-causes of anxiety
Anxiety is a natural response from our minds, serving as a beneficial warning signal. It prompts us to take action when potential problems arise ahead, acting as an "alarm bell" to alert us. This response may not present with physical symptoms initially, but when faced with difficulty in decision-making or handling a situation, we can be overwhelmed with a range of emotions. Fear takes over our thoughts and triggers the instinctive "fight or flight" response by releasing stress hormones like cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine. These hormones prepare our entire body for combat or escape, which is often unnecessary, painful, and taxing. When these hormones remain unused in our bodies, they can eventually manifest as digestive issues, muscle pain, high blood pressure, and fatigue. In the long run, this can lead to harmful mental patterns such as procrastination, feeling overwhelmed, underperforming, addictive behaviors, and depression. Main facts about anxiety:
- Anxiety is a NATURAL human response to a foreseen danger, it becomes crippling when it escalates to fear.
- Anxiety should be experienced ONLY on rare occasions. Frequent anxiety is NOT the normal consequence of modern society or a psychological illness.
- Anxiety is the CAUSE of depression, addictions, poor performance, unfulfilling relationships, social and confidence issues, and much more...
The 4 main root causes of anxiety (if you are not in a dangerous physical environment) are:
- Dependency from the world around you. - Adult Emotional Dependency (AED): If you depend for emotional support from 'others' - this vulnerability makes 'others' potentially dangerous to you, this produces fear of rejection, fear of judgment, fear of abandonment, lack of confidence, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety...
- Unmanaged thoughts and emotions. An unmanaged mind sees mental loops, chaos, confusion, and constant painful anxiety, a managed mind is a powerful, clear end efficient mind.
- Psychological traumas. If your mind, due to unprocessed past experiences, identifies safe events as dangerous, your 'fight or flight' response will be triggered unnecessarily throughout your daily life.
- Organic unbalances. Not mind related,
- Healing anxiety with LONG-LASTING results does NOT require a long and painful process.
- Anxiety management, meditation, and drugs are TEMPORARY solutions and do NOT resolve the ROOT-CAUSES of anxiety.
- The Bosurgi Mind Fitness Method is a Mind-Training program that targets the ROOT CAUSES of anxiety.
- This is obtained in JUST 3-5 WEEKS, implementing emotional self-reliance, enhancing thoughts and emotions management, clearing psychological traumas, and ending the devastating Adult Emotional Dependency (AED).
- ANXIETY-FREE living allows psychological and physical health, high performance, creativity, fulfilling relationships, consistent parenting, and happiness.
Reactive Anxiety vs. Proactive Anxiety
Two main causes of anxiety: reactive and proactive.
- Reactive is the anxiety that responds to a real or imaginary threat, to something that feels dangerous.
- Proactive is the anxiety that responds to the generalized feeling of being vulnerable and unprotected.
Reactive anxiety. Our mind has a built-in defense mechanism that safeguards us from potential dangers. This mechanism creates a catalog of emotional and physical hazards based on our past experiences, such as fire, tigers, rejection, eviction, failure, etc. It constantly compares this list with our surroundings - what we see, hear, smell, think or feel. When a known threat is immediately present, the survival system triggers an automatic fight-or-flight response without any time for rational thought. In cases where the threat is looming but not yet present, it causes anxiety.
Regrettably, the list contains numerous false threats. This could be incorrect information passed on to us by our parents, such as being afraid of spiders because our mother was terrified of them. It could also involve objects or scenarios that we have mistakenly deemed risky due to traumatic events (PTSD). Lastly, there may be threats that were once dangerous but are no longer harmful in present times. Having one or more of these false threats in our routine can trigger our survival instincts and keep us in a constant state of emergency.
Another cause of anxiety is proactive anxiety, which is often the main contributor to psychological crises. This type of anxiety is linked to Adult Emotional Dependency (AED) and can leave individuals feeling unprotected and vulnerable. Simply put, proactive anxiety is a natural response in children to ensure their safety. However, it only becomes active when a child feels unprotected. As parents, we may have seen our children panic when they are not with us or someone they trust. This sense of vulnerability should typically fade away during puberty, but for many, this does not happen as emotional self-reliance is not achieved. Thus, throughout life, we may unconsciously hold onto the feeling of being at risk and experience ongoing anxiety.
In simple terms, our minds are naturally healthy, and we live in a rather safe world, so anxiety should be rare or nonexistent in our lives. If we experience recurring anxiety, we are not ill and we should not take drugs for it, instead, we should focus on removing the root causes of the condition. This is the only solution that delivers long-term results.
Anxiety can drain most of your brainpower

Your brain prioritizes survival above all other functions, so if you feel under attack (fight or flight), it will use the majority of its brainpower to deal with the threat. Survival should be used only for rare and real emergencies; unfortunately, society has trained us to use it for most tasks. This missus of your brainpower may result in one or more of the hereafter consequences:
By-products of anxiety
Overwhelmed: 60-80% of your brainpower may be used by your anxiety and fear. The remaining brainpower is not enough to process your thoughts successfully and have a clear mind.
Procrastination: 40-60% of your brainpower may be used by your anxiety and fear. You mind has to make a choice, start a new project or use the fraction of the available brainpower to deal with the current tasks.
Depression: 80-95% of your brainpower may be used by your anxiety and fear. The remaining brainpower is not enough to process the essential daily tasks, thus you are frozen. As soon as you remove unwanted/false 'threats' from your life, depression will fade away.
Alcohol and drug abuse: alcohol and drugs are survival suppressants. Your mind uses these options to suppress your survival and to free braipower. As soon as you remove unwanted 'threats' from your life, addictions will fade away.
Poor performance: 60-80% of your brainpower may be used by your anxiety and fear. Only a fraction of your potential is allocated to performance. Clearing your fear will automatically improve your performance in every aspect of your life. This includes work, school, sport, creativity, relationships, etc.
Isolation: 'others' are considered too dangerous from your survival; thus, it forces you to avoid the risk. Clear your dependency from 'others' and your isolation will terminate.
Social Anxiety: same as above.
Poor confidence and self-esteem: you can only feel judged or rejected if you give power to 'others' to judge you or reject you. Clear your need of 'others' for your emotional fulfillment, your survival will quiet and your confidence will rise.
Chronic anger: anger is a survival response to feel cornered and scared. Remove your need of 'others' for approval and emotional fulfillment, your survival will quiet and your anger will fade away.
Loss of libido: libido is a component of the human procreational program, which is obviously suppressed if we feel under attack. Remove the emotional or physical danger from your life and you libido will be restored.
To recap

Anxiety is NOT a random, unknown, or uncontrollable disease or illness that you develop, inherit, or contract. Anxiety is the BYPRODUCT of unfulfilled emotional needs, unmanaged thoughts and emotions, Adult Emotional Dependency (AED), and/or psychological traumas. Anxiety should be experienced ONLY in rear occasions. Frequent or chronic anxiety is UNNATURAL and can be cleared with Bosurgi Mind Fitness Method® in just a few weeks.

Bosurgi Mind Fitness Method is a mind-healing and training program developed to fulfill the natural needs of the mind. The method helps reset emotional unbalances, clear confusion, resolve traumas, manage thoughts and emotions, and terminate the devastating Adult Emotional Dependency (AED). Thus, redirecting the undistracted brain's resources to emotional freedom, high-performance, confidence, leadership, creativity and happiness. Read more...

In the last 30 years, Bosurgi Mind Fitness programs has helped thousands to embrace their natural ability to succeed, find happiness, and enjoy anxiety-free lives (see testimonials).
Luca Bosurgi is an inspirational and powerful healer!
Luca Bosurgi is an inspirational and powerful healer. He has been instrumental in my journey to regain my personal power and balance by releasing past pain and fears through his hypnosis and mind techniques. In addition he is a wonderful teacher who has encouraged my spiritual growth. I cannot recommend him enough.” Karen Bystedt – Photographer