Adult Emotional Dependency (AED)

Adult Emotional Dependency (AED)

The main cause of compulsive emotional dependency toward others and uncharted fear and anxiety. One of the primary causes of lack of confidence, social anxiety, depression, confusion, narcissism, co-dependency, and drug/alcohol abuse in teenagers and adults.

Adult Emotional Dependency (AED) is a mental condition characterized by anxiety, fear, and dependency caused by the continuation of children's Emotional Dependency into adulthood, This appears to affect a large portion of today's society and has been revealed to be at the heart of various forms of compulsory anxiety and fear. Symptoms associated with Adult Emotional Dependency are anxiety, stress, fear of judgment, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, unwarranted fears, addictions, feeling overwhelmed and tired, depression, poor performance, people ‘pleaser’, self-doubt, neediness, co-dependency, self-focus, narcissism, jealousy. inadequacy, social anxiety, poor confidence, lacking an identity, feeling like a fraud and a failure, being a child in a world of adults, dependency in relationships, loneliness and solitude, loss of spirit-mind connection, panic attacks, anger, an inferiority complex, antisocial tendencies, emotional and spiritual numbness and more.  Learn more about AED's nature, causes, and solutions by watching the video below

Adult Emotional Dependency (AED) is a set of behaviors hard-coded into our DNA, not learned through experiences or traumas. AED is distinct from childhood trauma and abuse. Although traumatic experiences certainly contribute to emotional dependency, AED is caused by an inability to become emotionally independent after puberty, due to the lack of parental guidance and education in emotional self-reliance. It is only by self-fulfilling the emotional needs of the mind and becoming emotionally independent that AED can be terminated.

Our human nature seeks to become self-reliant and independent in adulthood. When we are emotionally free, we can relate with others from a place of personal power and equality. This allows us to engage with different people out of choice rather than fear or necessity. On the contrary, Adult Emotional Dependency (AED)  leads to layers of unease and distress, leaving us feeling powerless and fragile. AED manifests itself in maladaptive behaviors such as relying on peers, colleagues, or family for protection, approval, direction, and emotional fulfillment.

The burden of Adult Emotional Dependency (AED) brings a gamut of distressing symptoms that include fear of judgment, rejection, and abandonment as well as the need to seek external validation, giving too much to please others, and accepting abuse for affection. There are feelings of self-doubt, neediness and self-focus, low self-esteem, inadequacy, social anxiety, and chronic insecurity. Moreover, those struggling with AED have difficulty developing an identity while feeling like a fraud and failure compared to others around them. They often prioritize others' needs above their own and may feel a strong sense of responsibility for others' happiness and well-being, this can lead to feelings of resentment, frustration, and even resentment towards themselves. This deep-rooted fear leads to anger, and resentment towards the lack of support and guidance leading to addictions, loneliness, narcissism, or emotional numbness. On top of it, all academic or athletic performances suffer alongside professional pursuits becoming difficult or even impossible.

If you're interested in learning how to overcome Adult Emotional Dependency (AED), feel free to schedule a free consultation with me in person at the Spring Hill-Fl studio or via Zoom or FaceTime. Click here

Impact of anxiety on a human brain - Mind Fitness Inc.

The impact of anxiety on brain’s performances

How to terminate Adult Emotional Dependency (AED)

Emotional Self-Reliance

Adult Emotional Dependency (AED) can only be overcome through the development of Emotional Self-Reliance. By acquiring a new sense of parental self-control, AED is eliminated and the associated consequences fade away. This freedom from AED unleashes a capacity for choice that was previously unavailable under the restrictions of dependency, and liberates the energy that was once devoted to holding onto unhealthy relationships. Freed from these shackles, this newfound resource can be used to reach higher levels of success, creativity and joy.

The Bosurgi Mind Fitness Method provides a fast, natural solution to end Adult Emotional Dependency. Utilizing Mind Fitness and CognitiveOS Hypnosis, the program helps people conquer emotional independence, free themselves from traumas, and clear away layers of anxiety and fear. This enables them to enjoy greater clarity, self-confidence, performance, and happiness. Further, through mimicking the parental models needed to provide self-leadership, the program facilitates comfortable inter-dependent relationships with others fueled by choice rather than need. Self-sabotaging behaviors built around dependency are left in the past – making way for more successful ways of living life in all aspects.

Terminate Adult Emotional Dependency (AED) to achieve a self-sufficient and independent state. Interdependency replaces dependency and the development of strength and confidence will set you on a path of success, professionally and personally. Addictions can be kept in check by taking control over life events while managing thoughts, emotions, and feelings reigns supreme. Creative, academic, artistic, and athletic performances are enhanced with harmonious relationships that spark attraction. Procrastination is no more as you reach your life-long goals while unleashing your natural power for efficiency and success. Establish an efficient spirit-mind alignment that enables access to true joy and capitalization of past therapeutic work and future personal endeavors is all part of this program. Mind Fitness provides the right platform for emotional autonomy so AED can be removed permanently.

Luca has added so much to my life!

Luca has added so much to my life! I feel I can take on anything that comes my way the best way possible, because he has allowed me to see things clearly and with a “Zen” mind, so that I can make choices without having pre-judgments. Because of him, I have become a self-leader who has self-confidence and a great love for who I am. His method is tried and proven and I believe that anybody can greatly benefit from the Bosurgi Method. Luca, keep on doing your great service to mankind, one at a time!”Monique Klarich

The cause of Adult Emotional Dependency (AED)

We are inherently equipped with the tools that enable us to become emotionally mature and self-reliant as we progress from childhood to young adulthood. However, during our formative years these tools are yet to be developed, forming a dependency upon parents or guardians. As we enter puberty, the urge to become independent and direct our own lives arises, motivating us to switch from dependent relationships to those of autonomy.

The effectiveness of this transformation hinges upon the life-models taught by our parents and guardians; if they have not achieved emotional autonomy themselves, then it is unlikely their children will gain the awareness and skills required. Consequently, adolescent dependency persists into adulthood and can continue throughout life, whereby external sources - such as peers, partners or social influences - are sought in an attempt to fulfill needs like leadership, safety and love. This is known as Adult Emotional Dependency (AED).

Thanks to Luca my business is having its best year ever since I started my business 10 yeas ago.

Mell“With every day battles with work stress, it became very difficult to juggle things mentally. I’m a small business owner, and a lot of my mentors whom are very successful suggested I look into a life coach. I never really understood why, until I discovered Luca. After our first two meetings I was still a little skeptical. I’m glad I didn’t stop meeting with him. I’ve met with Luca about 12 times now, and I have to say the magic he provides to ones brain is incredible. Not only has he helped me visualize and analyze things differently with my business, its improved my personal quality of life with my family. Thanks to Luca my business is having its best year ever since I started my business 10 yeas ago.” Mel P. Insurance Agency Owner

Emotional Dependency in childhood

Emotional Dependency is an instinctive behaviour ingrained in us to promote our emotional growth during childhood. It encourages children to acquire parental protection, advice and tangible love. This impulse takes effect at birth and should terminate before puberty when youngsters must learn to provide for their own emotional needs. When this process fails and adults are unable to provide their own emotional fulfilment, they remain emotionally dependent, relying on external sources for sustenance - an issue known as Adult Emotional Dependency (AED).

Adult Emotional Dependency - Mind Fitness Inc.

Are you suffering from Adult Emotional Dependency (AED)?

Emotional Self-Reliance

Dependency vs. Self-Reliance

The water represents emotional fulfillment.

Excerpt of Luca's Google TEC Talk – 'Reaching Pick Mind Performance'